Nice to meet you, I’m Nicole, and here’s a little bit about With Love, Emerson

Nice to meet you, I’m Nicole, and here’s a little bit about With Love, Emerson

Hello! Thank you so much for visiting With Love, Emerson! It truly means so much. My name is Nicole, and I’m a mama who started this shop during nap times and between diapers, I’m sure you get the picture. After having too many boys to count, I FINALLY found out my last baby was going to be a girl! I’d dreamt of that moment since having my first boy. I’d like to add, I love my boys and I wouldn’t change a single one of them, but I was extremely outnumbered and needed some female energy added to the home. The first thing I did after finding out was purchase bows…lots of them…. the bigger the better….the bigger the bow the closer to god, I’m sure you understand. But I’m a craft loving lady (and a stay at home mom), so I quickly decided it was time to learn all things bows. Fast forward to my sweet, beautiful, perfect, angel daughter, Emerson, being born I realized that between my rowdy 2 year old and another infant at home, mommy needed time to destress. So, With Love, Emerson was born and with my daughters 1st birthday coming soon (LEAP DAY GIRLY) we are sharing our bows, that were made with a lot of love, with you! We hope you enjoy them!

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